指輪一覧【Pocket Rogues】

Pocket Rogues(ポケットローグ)で、私が見つけた指輪一覧をまとめていきます

 Steel ring(*)The character is enveloped in a magic shield, which increases the max HP receive by 6 points. When destroyed, the shield knocks back nearby ememies, but requires a 12 second cooldown
 Bone ring(*)Any ordinary enemy killed by a character with a 〇% chance can be reborn as a shadow. The lifetime of such a creature is △s.  [〇](*1: 12%, *2: 15%, *3: 17%)/ [△](*1: 9s, *2: 12s, *3: 15s)
シャドウの寿命は△s [〇](*1: 12%, *2: 15%, *3: 17%)/ [△](*1: 9s, *2: 12s, *3: 15s)
Smoke ring(*)2 magic spheres revolve around the character, dealing 60% of the character’s damage when colliding with an enemy(*1:)
Snake ring(*)The character can dodge any attack with a 〇% chance(*1: 6%, *2: 8%)
蛇の指輪あらゆる攻撃を〇%の確率でかわすことができる(*1: 6%, *2: 8%)
Gold ring(*)Coins are automatically attracted to the character, and their value is always 2 higher(*1: 2,)
金の指輪近くのゴールドを自動で引き寄せる。ゴールドの価値 +〇(*1: 2,)
Shining ring(*)Chance to find better quality equipment increased by 2%(*1: 2%, )
輝く指輪より良い装備品の発見確率 〇%上昇(*1: 2%, )
